Monday, March 30, 2009

Unbeliever # 3
Unbeliever #3

Heather, Rae Rae, and I decided that we wanted to interview some people right off the street in order to see what people who we have no connections with responded. We went to the Gettysburg outlets in search of a victim (giggle). We approached a group of teens, 3 to be exact, and asked them our is the results.
When asked what the greatest need in there area was, tourists and maintenance improvement (like the roads, sidewalks, etc). Two did not currently attend church, but the other one did. That was exciting to hear. The reason for the two not attending church is because it's too early in the morning or because they are lazy. You could tell that the one teen has been hurt in the past or has been preached at. You could sense a bitterness when asked the question "if you could attend a church what would it be?" His answer: Not as much "God's watching and throwing lightning bolts at you whenever you mess up" kinda thing. He believes that the Bible should be taught as how to live a moral life and not how to get to heaven. The girl said she wanted a church that is upbeat. One that reminds her of her childhood years when she did attend. She wants one that has exciting worship and not boring hymnals. All of them agreed that pastors should put their life experience into their sermons and not be monotonous. It was a good experience all around. They were a good group and seemed pretty interested in our questions. We had fun with them.

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