Saturday, March 7, 2009

Brian and Angie Bolt

Guest Speaker: Brian and Angie Bolt

A lot of what they do reminds me of Freedom House, except for the fact that they have a women's home. I believe this is a very effective ministry. Both Brian and Angie are very wise. There is definitely an anointing on these two and you could just sense their gentle hearts and genuiness. They know what they are up against and they fight it with truth. Angie really hit home when she talked about the weight of ministry. This is something I'm currently dealing with, but what she said brought great insight and is helping me to overcome the fear, doubts, and concerns I have. Also, I loved how we touched base on humility. I've seen a lot of leaders and pastors consider themselves to be "holier than thou," prideful, only looking out for themselves. I believe it is very important to be humble and there are so many benefits from it. God has a special place in His heart for the humble. "He opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble." Because Brian and Angie are always examining themselves and keeping themselves in check, they will go far. God has blessed them so much already and will continue to do so.

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