Monday, March 2, 2009

Mike Hammer

Guest Speaker: Mike Hammer

At first, I was completely bored by him. He didn't seem to answer any of the questions and he talked a lot about random stuff. I was kind of lost in the middle of it. I didn't quite know what his ministry was about and I was thinking to myself, "He pastors? I can't see how he does it. He can't even adequately explain what his ministry is about." So the first half was really rough for me, but all of a sudden, in the second half, he had me so intrigued with what his ministry was based on. I think, by far, this man knows what a church is about. He is all about connecting. He doesn't just scratch the surface. He gets deep to the inner core of things. He has a ministry called Bridges and it is so brilliant, the most clever thing ever! The fact is, most people can't be real. Most don't want to let people in or tell them what's really bothering them. That would be known as vulnerability, letting your walls down, placing yourself out there, having nothing to hide behind, you could be judged or rejected. Sadly, our culture has taught us that vulnerability is a bad thing; that you have to be strong and you can't let anyone else know you are struggling. I think Mike Hammer is hitting on something powerful. He is helping people find out the true source of their pain, the root of their fear and shame, and the list goes on. What if we did more of this? What if we got so connected with people and built so strong of relationships with unbelievers that we could talk to them about those deep, dark, secret stuff that we all suppress inside of us? I believe that when we find the truth, the cause of it all, then and only then are we able to finally move on and get help. "...Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free..."

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