Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Nick Poole

Guest Speaker: Nick Poole

Even though quite young, he is very well experienced and shows much wisdom in the area of church planting. Nick has helped plant many churches and is continuing to do so in the Pittsburgh area with Allison Park. I absolutely loved the fact then when he answered the questions, he didn't beat around the bush, he didn't go on a rant about what's going on in his church, or what their church is known for, or what has worked for them....he simply gave an answer. To me this says that he was more interested in meeting our needs and questions then his desires and wants. This is big. I noticed that Nick is the first one to do this. All the rest threw out what they were known for, or they would go on a rant and talk about things that didn't at all pertain to the question that was asked. I believe we can learn a lot from this. Nick is a listener. He listened intently to what we were asking and then gave us a direct answer. As Christians, we should do the same. I feel that in some ways, when talking to an unbeliever or just someone who is hurt and is in need of answers, we give them fluff and Christianese. But how about just answering the question...it's that simple. Our problem is that because we are knowledgeable we tend to want to rant and rave, when really all they are interested in is you listening to them and then giving them a straight answer in the end.

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