Friday, April 24, 2009

Church rater # 3

The Church

What Church did you visit?

New Life Assembly of God

What city or town is this Church located?


What date and service did you attend?

4-12-09; morning (10:30 service)


How would you rate this church?

Please provide ratings based on your own experience. Yes, I realize this is subjective and your '1′ might be someone else's '5′. That's ok. It's your rating and I really want your opinion.

Rate the following from 1 to 5. 1 is not effective, 5 is very effective!

Overall: 3 Friendliness 5 Singing 2 Preaching 3

First Impressions


Was the building easy to find?

Kind of; it was on a hill on a main road

Was it difficult to find parking?

No, not at all

How about the interior or exterior signage- what would you do differently?

It was on the side of the road; very noticeable. It was boring though. I would create a way to make it eye appealing and catching

What did the appearance, style, or construction of the building communicate to you?

It looked nice; they were adding an addition so obviously there is growth and expansion taking place

Before the service:

Did anyone approach you and speak to you before the service got underway?


If someone did speak to you, how did you feel about that?

They were very friendly; I loved it; made me feel welcomed and care about

Can you share their names?

Linda, Ruth, Cathy

General observations:

As you observed the people "doing their church thing", what went through your mind?

Seriously....I thought “Oh man do I miss Freedom Valley.” But on the other hand, you didn't get lost. It was a small church and so you really felt like family. They were very loving and kind-hearted.

Were you able to understand why they do what they do?

Yeah, they truly love the Lord

Do they seem sincere?


What do you think about the overall presentation of the service? (the liturgy, program or flow of the service)

it ran smoothly

Bulletin and communications:

Is there anything in the church bulletin that you find confusing or offensive?

It's really cluttered and no color. I honestly didn't want to look at it. It made my eyes go crazy

If this were your "business", how would you improve the communication part of it- the bulletin especially? Make it look eye appealing, organize it better

Were announcements clear, and interesting (did you want to sign up for anything)?


Children's Ministry

Does this church appear kid-friendly?

Not at all

Did you bring any children with you to the service?

No, I don't have children

If so, ask them about their experience. What did they tell you?

Music and Prayer

How would you describe the music?

Dull and boring, they really couldn't sing or keep rhythm at all

Did you enjoy any of it?


Did you feel like you connected with God during any part of it?

How was it different from what you are used to?

Freedom Valley: free, spirited, into God, joy of the Lord, feel the love of God

New Life: felt like I was in a funeral service, “Did someone just die?”

Would you enjoy worshiping like that often?


What did you think of the prayers that were offered in the service?

I actually just asked myself, “Was there prayer?...oh yeah.” So I don't remember

As you listened to the prayers, what did you learn about how that church might think of people, or of God?

It was the normal older AG feeling. Not too passionate

The Speaker's Presentation

Did the Pastor or speaker seem likable?

Ummm...sorta...I guess

Is he/she a person you might enjoy having coffee with? Why?

Probably not; he seemed intimidating and stuck in his own ways; not someone I could carry a good conversation with

Did he/she seem engaged/sincere/condescending?

Yeah, but also seemed really busy and so you felt like you were absorbing his precious time

Were you motivated to do or think anything differently because of the talk?

Not really

What could they have done to make it more enjoyable or useful?

Don't be so monotonous.

Please erase any of the following descriptors that did not apply to the talk: Boring, Relevant, Gloomy, Slow

The Message

What was the main idea of the message?

Joseph...I think...

What action did the speaker want you to take or consider taking?

I don't remember an action

Did the talk itself (the subject matter) hold your attention?

No, I wanted to sleep or draw on paper to keep me awake

Did any part of the talk stand out to you in a positive or negative way?

I just really like the story of Joseph

What is the one thing the speaker could do that would improve his/her presentation?

Base it on our generation, add some humor

Do you think that you particularly will remember anything that was taught?

Considering that the only thing I can really remember is Joseph...I guess not

Do you understand God or people better because of it?


Did it make you feel like you wanted to preach someday yourself ?

Yes, I want to do a better job than that

P.S. This is my church back home. So I have a few years of bitterness stored up because of it.

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