Sunday, April 26, 2009

Town Hall For Hope
Guest Speaker: Dave Ramsey himself....clap, clap, clap! Whooooo!

I don't know much about financial stuff. To be honest, math was my weakest subject and so what Dave Ramsey spoke about was a little over my head. I did grasp some things though; I'm not totally stupid with money. What Dave is doing is nothing short of amazing. He is definitely instilling hope to America and igniting fire in us to fight for ourselves. We don't have to live in debt. We can live debt free. It is possible. It is very easy to lose hope right now because of the economy and it only seems like it's getting worse...but you know what...we can live in peace. We don't have to constantly be worrying and fretting. I love the fact that Dave Ramsey unashamedly speaks of God in his sessions. I believe this is what America needs. To know that we can be in control of our money and that God is the ultimate answer in becoming rich.

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