Tuesday, April 28, 2009

New Believer #3

New Believer #3

I chose to interview another girl from youth group. She has been coming to Freedom Valley for a year and a half, but she wanted nothing to do with the church or Jesus until 3 months ago. I asked her, "What changed your mind? What caused you to stop and reconsider?" She said that as she regularly came to church, she would watch people and wonder, What would it be like to feel and witness God's love? What is it like to put my arms in the air and dance for him? One day she got to the point where she didn't want to question anymore, but actually experience it. She wept and asked Jesus to come into her heart. "It was the best feeling in the world," she says. "I don't have to wonder anymore!" She says she can see huge differences in the way she acts and treats people, especially in her public school. "Everything I do is for him. I try to help people. I pray and read the Bible now and learning more about God. He has made my life complete!" She mentioned that it is really hard going to school and being Christ-like. Everyone knew her before she made the commitment and so it's hard to go to a place everyday where people expect you to act a certain way. She told me, "It's like they are just waiting for me to fall and mess up. Showing that I changed is so difficult. There were many times I came home and cried because I felt like I let God down. It's very hard for me, but I won't give up on God. I have faith in myself now. I know I can do this...I can conquer this mountain!"
I have watched this girl blossom. I was there when she decided to make the decision to really go after God. I was there at her baptismal and I couldn't help but cry when I got her responses for the interview questions. She has been such a joy to disciple! I absolutely love her.

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