Thursday, January 29, 2009

Unchurched Friend #1
Unchurched Friend #1

I have found that it is extremely difficult to ask these questions if you don't have any relationships with unbelievers. I have been in a bubble my whole life. Being raised in church, went to a Christian school, and now Master's Commission, I'm sad to say I have had no relationships or any connections with unbelievers. Doing this assignment was terrible challenging for me. It caused me to face some fears I never realized I had. It also came to my realization that you really should have connections with unbelievers and not just "hi" small talk stuff, but a real relationship with them. You really can't talk to someone about Christ and church without it. I've learned that people are interested in Christians going the extra mile and reaching out to them, rather than them making the first move and coming to church. It makes me wonder how much we could change and impact the world if we truly followed Jesus' example. He went out and made connections; he didn't stay in one spot and he definitely did not wait until people walked into a church building to build relationships! Another thing I discovered is that they are looking for us to be down to earth. No more Christianese terms. Be real, speak English and most importantly: accept them for who they are! Our cultures may have changed throughout the years, but what unchurched people still want is love, acceptance, and realness!!!

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