Thursday, January 29, 2009

Unchurched Friend #1
Unchurched Friend #1

I have found that it is extremely difficult to ask these questions if you don't have any relationships with unbelievers. I have been in a bubble my whole life. Being raised in church, went to a Christian school, and now Master's Commission, I'm sad to say I have had no relationships or any connections with unbelievers. Doing this assignment was terrible challenging for me. It caused me to face some fears I never realized I had. It also came to my realization that you really should have connections with unbelievers and not just "hi" small talk stuff, but a real relationship with them. You really can't talk to someone about Christ and church without it. I've learned that people are interested in Christians going the extra mile and reaching out to them, rather than them making the first move and coming to church. It makes me wonder how much we could change and impact the world if we truly followed Jesus' example. He went out and made connections; he didn't stay in one spot and he definitely did not wait until people walked into a church building to build relationships! Another thing I discovered is that they are looking for us to be down to earth. No more Christianese terms. Be real, speak English and most importantly: accept them for who they are! Our cultures may have changed throughout the years, but what unchurched people still want is love, acceptance, and realness!!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Chaplain Will

Guest Speaker: Chaplain Will Olsen

"The harvest is ripe but the workers are few"...especially when you are in the prison ministry. I am finding that it is extremely hard to help those who don't want help. I believe that is why the prison ministry is so ripe. Most who are in there are completely broken, hungry for answers, and want help. They have tried everything within their own strength to get somewhere and have failed. I feel Will has done an amazing job of reaching and connecting with these people. One thing he didn't mention though was leadership opportunities for them. I mean, we hear stories of those who give their life to Christ, get straightened up, and then get out of prison and start amazing ministries. But what about those who have been sentenced for life in jail? What do they get to do? There needs to be some kind of way they can grow and step up to lead others as well! And get this...they can reach people in ways Will can't. Will is limited in many areas: what he can say, how he approaches people, and what he can give to them. But for those who are in prison, they are able to speak freely to inmates and reach in ways Will won't ever be able to!!!!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

John Wega

Guest Speaker: John Wega (
Interview by Gerry Stoltzfoos

From infant on up I have been raised in church. And if there's one thing I can point out that I feel churches struggle with the most is: reaching people where they are. I'm caught guilty of this too. It's so easy to talk to unsaved when they already made the first step, overcame some fear, and walked in the doors of the church. But what if we as believers decided to conquer our fear, get out of our comfort zones and leave the church property in order to meet their needs. John is an excellent example of how this can be done. As the tourists come to Gettysburg, he reaches them through history and stories and then funnels it all down to the heroism of Christ. In a place surrounded by so much gore and death, he is providing it with hope and life. Yes, the war brought physical freedom, but what John is doing now is fighting for spiritual freedom!